Jan 17, 2012

Teach Me How to Shoot

There's a lot going on at the Hess household, but number one moment of the day:

Teaching a little girl how to shoot a basketball.

At practice one of our players came up to me and said:
Player: Mrs. Brittany I don't want to do this. 
Me: Umm, well, we should practice shooting...
Player: But I practice a lot and I don't get any better. ... I just get worse.

Imagine the sweetest, poutiest voice you ever heard.

So I took an extra few second, minutes and showed her how to shoot. Mine you, I have no idea how to shoot other than what I read in my coaches manual. But I studied that manual hard...

And it worked. Smile on face, that girl was proud. And boy was I proud of her. She even showed her mom after practice, and now she's more than likely better at shooting than I am.

Maybe I should have been a coach... or teacher ?? (I guess to my patients I am sort of a nutrition teacher, lol).

Loving coaching, loving the sweet girls on my team. Loving the way God uses me even when I am not qualified at all...

1 comment:

  1. Sweet Britt,
    There is nothing that you can not do.You just add so much fun and love to everything and to everyone that you come into contact with. I'm so happy to be a part of your life and family..Always !


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