I'd seen a few things on Pinterest about herb gardens indoors, or re-growing green onions right from the grocery store. I pinned a few things and didn't do much. But then when motivated by those fancy-pants bloggers I love at Young House Love with their seasonal "get up and do something you've pinned on Pinterest" Pinterest Challenge, I figured no time was better.
And if you want to be inspired too...here are quick links to the ladies responsible for the Pinterest Challenge and their projects this go around!
Young House Love: Board & Batten Baby!
Bower Power:
The Remodeled Life: A Fabric Ottoman
Decor and the Dog: Button Wall Art
Here's what I had pinned for this particular project. (If you click the picture, you be linked to the pin's original website, in case you want to check them out.)
I got the info from Pinterest and figured I'd set this little garden up right on the windowsill above the kitchen sink. That way it pretty's up the sink area, gets plenty of light... and let's be honest, I'll see it every day and not forget to water it. With the sink so close, I'd have to be super-lazy not to water these plants, right?
Anyways, so I grabbed the green onions right out of the produce section at the grocery store. I chose organic for this project, because I figure I might as well grow organic green onions for about 10 cents more than the regular ones.
I also stopped by and got a few little seed packets. I chose coriander/cilantro (coriander's the cilantro seed), oregano, and thyme. I picked those because I heard they were easy to grow from seeds and they are herbs I use often. If I get a generous crop I may even break out my dehydrator and make my own dried herbs.
Anyways, then I gathered supplies from around the house. I had a half-used bag of potting soil in the garage and I have a very generous collection of old glass jars... (like this is 1/10th of them...)
I arranged them on the windowsill and made sure I had a variety of shapes and sizes in jars. I tried to stick with larger, but I liked the small ones too.
First I opened the green onions and just popped then right in the jar and added water up to the green part of the stem. Like the Pinterest link said, they can grow right in the water in the jar. I should be able to cut off the green tops and the stalks should grow back again and again. I did read somewhere thought that planting the onions in dirt may yield better results, so we'll see.
Then one by one I filled the jars/glasses with potting soil.
Dropped the seeds in.
And covered lightly with a layer of potting soil.
I thought about labeling the jars, but I liked the simplicity of the glass. So I just planted the seeds in alphabetical order (not including the green onions). #organizationnerd So from the left to the right we have 1. green onions (hiding behind the left curtain), 2. green onions, 3. green onions, 4. coriander/cilantro, 5. coriander/cilantro, 6. oregano, 7. oregano, 8. green onions, 9. thyme.
So far, looks fresh :)
Aren't they so pretty all lined up right there in the kitchen window? It's like they're yelling "cook me, I'm so fresh and flavorful!" ...or...maybe not... Can't wait to see what they look like in 8-15 days (you know, when they start to sprout)! I'm hoping the windowsill stays warm enough for them to sprout if I keep them moist. If not, we'll have to figure something out...
What about you, any gardening indoors this year? Planning a big garden outside this year? Actually doing anything you pinned on pinterest?
Note: This Pinterest Challenge isn't a contest or anything, but just motivation to get projects done! But I did find out that East Coast Creative's Creating with the Stars Challenge (which is an actual contest I entered) is doing votes differently than I thought. Only now are they starting to count the 'clicks' on my little link picture from last Monday's post for that 12th spot in the contest. So if you can, swing by the contest page, scroll way,way down to the little pictures and click on mine #249 "As-Is Ikea Door Turned Office Board!" Once it's clicked it gives me a "vote"...crazy, first contest I've entered like this one!