Apr 25, 2012

Earth Day Apples

Just in case you missed Earth Day.
We didn't.  Because, well… really, I have been slowly accepting the loss of our apple tree. It looks really scary and it has these hole in it.

See aren't they scary? Okay maybe you need to look closer...

Yep, creepy... We found out that they are more than likely from wood peckers or bees, but they still freak me out. Like I try to look at them because I'm so intrigued and then I run away yelling to Kyle that I think I'm going to have nightmares…
But I was still holding onto all hope that the tree would survive.  It made apples last summer, but they were all gone by the time we moved in. It probably has not been pruned in ten years, and probably wasn't watered for at least 2 summers.  But I appreciate that it tried to make apples last summer, and I wanted to give it another chance.
Then our 92-year-old neighbor told us the tree was dead. And somehow I believed him, even though Kyle had been telling me all along. I'm still trying to deny it, but if you look at the tree compared to the rest of the green yard, it's pretty obvious.

So then it was Earth Day, but mostly it was the day before my birthday and my husband bought me…
So we planted it and I'm sure all our neighbors though we were so "green." Really we just love apples, and plants that grow food.

Isn't it so lovely next to our holly trees?
So Happy Late Earth Day… or Happy Early Arbor Day (it's coming up on Friday so there's still time).
Happy Planting.

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