Jan 14, 2013

Weekend Adventures: The Bull Wedding

So these weekend we hit up our good friend Tommy's wedding reception. He and his lovely bride Wendee got married up in Delaware about two weeks ago. But Delaware's far away from Texas where Tommy's family and a lot of Tommy and Wendee's friend live. So they threw two parties for their one marriage... genius idea.

We had the pleasure to attend, and Kyle was actually the DJ. He's multi-talented like that. 

I figured if my dance partner was going to be tied up playing the latest jams, that I better bring my fancy camera and take some pictures instead of awkwardly standing on the side of the dance floor, right?  And I got to pretend like I was a professional, walking around getting pictures of everyone. Except that there was a real professional there too. And I forgot to get a picture of the bride and groom... actually no pictures of the bride at all. The professional lady was following her around and I didn't want to look like a creeper... 

Note: If you are at a wedding taking pictures, be a sweetheart and don't use a flash. The flash can actually mess up the real photographer's pictures, especially during the ceremony!

It was a great celebration. See the groom worked with us up in Colorado for two summers and down here at camp in Texas the year in between. He has lots of camp friends. Then he brought Wendee up to Colorado last summer and proposed in front of the most beautiful mountains ever... we fell in love with Wendee that week...

So here are the pic, of the celebration, of our friends, of lots of dancing.

Some of the sweet ladies who were interns with Tommy down here in Texas. Aren't they beautiful?

Some more of our summer camp friends of the past and present...

Isn't this one great. Mostly because I love this picture and all the craziness in these people. Even though I know Madison (right) will hate it...

This would be some of our new favorite lovebirds. I just love how Emma's face lights up when she's dancing with Lloyd.

Isn't this one funny? Tommy, the groom, is the one in the middle of all the craziness... 

And then this one of some great Colorado ladies with the groom.

Then Madison and I just had to take a picture together... and the professional photographer photo bombed our picture. Which cracked me up... because I bet she gets photo bombed a whole, whole lot.

So we had a re-do.

Then I saw an opportunity to snap a classy pic of the groom. This one's for Wendee. Who doesn't want a classy, swag picture of their groom to look at all day?

It was a great night. Congratulations to Tommy and Wendee. Oh they are so fun, can't wait to see what adventures life brings them. 

And kudos to my sweetheart of a husband, who really is the very best wedding/barn dance DJ I ever met, and who surprised me with a fancy hotel room that night so we didn't have to make the late drive home that night. He's the best...

Any wedding parties in your weekend plans? Any pretend-to-be-a-photographer picture taking?

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