Apr 5, 2016

Sibling Rivalry

Life seems to have been a whirlwind lately. I'm pretty sure my baby just turned one and now here he is looking like a little boy. I'm not sure how this happened in what seems like 5 days.

With Baby Number Three time seems to be flying even faster. A close friend asked me the other day "so how far along are you?" I told her about 8 or 8.5 weeks maybe. Then two days later my little pregnancy app reminded me that I was 12 weeks pregnant. Oops.

Technically we got the first hint that we were pregnant at the very end of 2015. We came home from our Christmas travels and a little pee stick said "pregnant." The part that cracks me up is the sibling rivalry that started that day.

Let's just say that people had been asking when Lincoln started walking. Back in December when my kid was 13 months old my answer was still "yeah, he doesn't walk yet." 'All' the other kids were walking, but I wasn't really concerned. Little Lincoln could take his own sweet time because this momma was in no rush for her little baby to grow up and graduate and move away and get married and leave me forever, etc.

But either way, the day Lincoln walked was going to be a big one.

So out I walk into the living room with the pee test. Yes, I walked into the living room with the test in my hand. First kids or second kids, call for a cute t-shirt or "baby" spelled out in tiny pepperonis on a pizza. Third babies apparently warrant:

Husband: Should we buy a test?
Wife: Sure, pull in here. No one goes here so we won't see anyone we know.
Wife (at home): Okay, can you watch the kid while I go to the bathroom.
Kid: (bangs on bathroom door)
Wife: Yay, it says pregnant!

Or at least that's how it went down at the Hess house. Sure we jumped for joy and are so very thrilled, but yep it's just different. And Lincoln seemed to think so too.

As we sat on the living room floor, playing with Lincoln, and talking about new baby things, Lincoln decided to take his very first steps. The kid walked from me to his daddy as if to say, "guys I'm still here and I'm way more impressive than that pee test thing mom seems to be so proud of."

Good luck Baby Number Three, so far I've remembered to take like 5 pictures of my belly (all with your brother in them) and Lincoln is already putting you in your place. I promise we'll love you forever, you just may not have as many 'memories' as everyone else...

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