Jun 8, 2016

Mountain Life

We've been in the mountains for nearly a month now. Our bodies are finally acclimating to the high altitude and the cool weather. Well, Kyle's body is acclimating and mine is growing a baby so I'd be lying if I said it was getting easier to breathe...

The mountains are always wonderful, but our days here are busy and full. In years past I've been busy working and now it's a bit different. I often wonder who thinks I'm 'lazy' as I order them around to get a cabin clean all while sitting on the ground with my toddler in my lap hunting for the best rocks and looking for wonderful places to hide them.

Our days begin early as our little "mama, dada" alarm clock rings. Sometimes Lincoln wakes crying because of our close living quarters and lack of insulation between rooms, and sometimes he pops up happy and ready for adventure. Often he is talking about boots or outside or possibly the horses that he thinks are cows and calls "moos" before anything else.

Toddler mornings and the work at camp begins. My contribution to the morning meetings is often limited by the number of items Lincoln wants to pull off of someone else's desk. But when the desks contain ice axes or sat phones or wireless mouses I cannot blame him.

Breakfast brings in all of Lincoln's "friends" that he's made here with our college staff in the last few weeks. Somehow he has chosen favorites, which means some are greeted with a "morning!" or with kisses or with endless fist bumps. And the day unfolds from there.

The days are full of watching others work so very efficiently on camp work. All while I let my to-do list pile up, and therefore my nights are full of catching up on anything but sleep. Even so, I love being a mother here.

I wish I could accurately describe the adventures we go on. Every step offers a new wonder that I get to see my sweet boy explore. Trees become magical. Geese and "doh-gees" become his best friends. Lincoln plays more "boo" than he ever has before, running and laughing and hiding, even if hiding means he simply covers his eyes to disappear.

In the last few days we've discovered the stream that runs near the front gate of camp. We pick dandelions and toss them in to "float fast" and find rocks to throw in and "sploosh." The way my little guy splashes his little hands in the cold water lets me see not only his adventurous spirit but I get to see the way he is falling in love with the nature God created.

Lincoln reminds me to sit in awe of the Lord more, whether it's because of his awe in the world or because of my awe in my little baby growing up right before my very eyes. Lincoln teaches me to love well, to say "morning!" and to welcome the day ready to love. Lately Lincoln's been wanting to help too, reminding me that his little temper tantrums are not the only thing inside of him, but that he is often selfless too. He's been watering the flowers and cleaning up dishes and helping in any way a toddler can, even if it often makes the job take much longer.

In a world where the minutes and years often pass us by, I am blessed to stop and soak in these moments. I love being Lincoln's mother. Even if that means my work piles up.

I don't mind the piles, really. I'm even getting very good at stacking them high and making them seem to be organized... because someday my boy is gonna grow out of those adorable rain boots and the piles and the boots will all disappear together.

I'll miss this someday, someday soon I'm sure.

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