March 27, 2015
I need to remember this moment.
My kid is asleep.
It's no where near my bedtime.
I'm not holding him.
He went down without a fight.
No one else is home.
I can do whatever I want.
I'm sorry, maybe you didn't hear me: I can do whatever I want!
Yes we have piles of laundry and stacks of dishes and I could tidy up the house or workout or do all of the things I feel like I am supposed to do.
But tonight is not about that.
Tonight I don't have to do anything, tonight I get to do anything.
Don't get me wrong. I love being a mom to this kiddo. I love it even more than I ever thought I would. When he decides to nap for 4 minutes without me holding him I actually miss him until he wakes up panicked without me. After a long two hours of sleeping in his crib at night I love hearing the sigh he lets out when I feed him or seeing the huge smile on his face in the morning when I go in to pick him up.
I love him.
But let's just say that 'Lincoln only naps on Mommy' and 'Lincoln wants to stand or sit all the time when he plays but can't stand or sit on his own' is getting a little crazy. Do the math, think about that real quickly: if I hold him while he naps, and I hold him up while he plays, then when exactly am I not holding him?
Right now!
I know it'll be a matter of minutes or hours before he needs me again, and I am so very glad he will need me. And I know I'll cry when he leaves for college or when he goes to kindergarten or well, when he goes to the church nursery for the first time. But right now I'm sitting in my living room typing on my laptop with two hands and it feels so very wonderful.
So just in case you've wondered where I've been, wondered why I seem to always be on Facebook but never on the blog or always taking adventures with my kid but never doing laundry... well it's because holding a baby I only have one free hand and Facebook on the phone takes one finger, while typing takes two hands. Adventures help my little guy learn and well if he's awake we might as well be having fun. And let's be honest, he hasn't quite mastered folding a fitted sheet yet so he doesn't help with laundry.
I love being a mom.
I love being his mom.
But right now I love that I'm sitting in my living room alone... but with a little video monitor by my side so I can sneak a peek at Lincoln whenever I want. I can be away from him, but I will admit I'm not quite ready to be out of 'monitor' range yet.
Mar 30, 2015
Mar 18, 2015
What We Do Now
So I know all the mothers are talking about the milestones. We talk of whose baby can sit up and whose baby can walk and whose baby can do algebraic equations.
Before I became a mother I thought it was a competition. And maybe in some places it is.
But now that I'm a stay at home mom, it's less of a competition and more so it's my quarterly review, my self-evaluation, my feedback. If mothering is my full-time job, then how my kiddo is doing is quite literally my business.
Now I don't suggest that your child's milestones should be the way that you evaluate your worth as a human being; that's a little too dangerous. If you are in that place, get out of it quickly, because you will soon be disappointed. I recommend Jesus; He's someone that will show you your worth in the most humbling yet uplifting of ways.
But anyway...
All that to say, I love counting the milestones.
I love looking up what Lincoln 'should be doing' and working each day to help him learn.
To me it's not a competition, it's my outline for my 'new job.' And I love it.
"Oh, Lincoln, this week you should start to swat at things, okay let's get some play mat time with the coolest dangly toys this side of the living room." And some time around then, there he goes swatting and hitting the little toucan that lives in his little rainforest. I'm all "woo hoo" like both the parent on the sidelines and the coach of the team!
But let's just say that someone likes his daddy.
And someone may or may not show off for daddy...
And let's just say that someone may practice during the day on smiling and laughing with mommy, but when someone actually smiled and laughed for the very first time it was for dad.
So last week me and the kiddo started working on rolling over after he flung his feet into the air and contorted his body in such a way as to say "mom help me!" And then the other night I was in the kitchen getting dinner ready while Kyle had returned from work and he was playing on the floor with Lincoln.
Over the sizzle of the frying pan I heard, "look at you rolling over."
Immediately I slid to the door, poked my head through the opening, and hit the ceiling with my eyebrows as I squealed with great joy, "he rolled over?!?!"
Kyle quickly said, "oh no, not the real thing. I helped him."
As I nodded agreeing, Kyle explained, "See I put him on his belly. And then he rolled over onto his back by himself. That's all."
That's all? I quickly ran into the living room and said, "babe! That's the real thing!"
And so we spent the next few minutes putting him on his belly and watching him roll onto his back all by himself. We cheered and we clapped and I must have been just beaming! Dinner could wait, my kid rolled over!!
And so there it is. That's what we do now.
We watch our kid roll over.
We act as if he's won the Superbowl or the Nobel Prize.
We're those parents...
And I love it!
But I'll tell you what, his first word better be 'momma'... even if he says it to dad first ;)
Before I became a mother I thought it was a competition. And maybe in some places it is.
But now that I'm a stay at home mom, it's less of a competition and more so it's my quarterly review, my self-evaluation, my feedback. If mothering is my full-time job, then how my kiddo is doing is quite literally my business.
Now I don't suggest that your child's milestones should be the way that you evaluate your worth as a human being; that's a little too dangerous. If you are in that place, get out of it quickly, because you will soon be disappointed. I recommend Jesus; He's someone that will show you your worth in the most humbling yet uplifting of ways.
But anyway...
All that to say, I love counting the milestones.
I love looking up what Lincoln 'should be doing' and working each day to help him learn.
To me it's not a competition, it's my outline for my 'new job.' And I love it.
"Oh, Lincoln, this week you should start to swat at things, okay let's get some play mat time with the coolest dangly toys this side of the living room." And some time around then, there he goes swatting and hitting the little toucan that lives in his little rainforest. I'm all "woo hoo" like both the parent on the sidelines and the coach of the team!
But let's just say that someone likes his daddy.
And someone may or may not show off for daddy...
And let's just say that someone may practice during the day on smiling and laughing with mommy, but when someone actually smiled and laughed for the very first time it was for dad.
So last week me and the kiddo started working on rolling over after he flung his feet into the air and contorted his body in such a way as to say "mom help me!" And then the other night I was in the kitchen getting dinner ready while Kyle had returned from work and he was playing on the floor with Lincoln.
Over the sizzle of the frying pan I heard, "look at you rolling over."
Immediately I slid to the door, poked my head through the opening, and hit the ceiling with my eyebrows as I squealed with great joy, "he rolled over?!?!"
Kyle quickly said, "oh no, not the real thing. I helped him."
As I nodded agreeing, Kyle explained, "See I put him on his belly. And then he rolled over onto his back by himself. That's all."
That's all? I quickly ran into the living room and said, "babe! That's the real thing!"
And so we spent the next few minutes putting him on his belly and watching him roll onto his back all by himself. We cheered and we clapped and I must have been just beaming! Dinner could wait, my kid rolled over!!
And so there it is. That's what we do now.
We watch our kid roll over.
We act as if he's won the Superbowl or the Nobel Prize.
We're those parents...
And I love it!
But I'll tell you what, his first word better be 'momma'... even if he says it to dad first ;)
Mar 10, 2015
Praise Jesus!
I was going to write out all the details, but I just can't wait:
They called, the genetics clinic in Dallas called today and
Lincoln does not have VLCAD!
Praise Jesus!
We cling once again to Thessalonians 5:16-18. For we do rejoice always from our good times to our bad, for we have all prayed without ceasing, and now we give thanks in this circumstance, just as we have spent the last year and a half giving thanks for circumstances that were quite different. For if it is God's will we will praise Him!
They called, the genetics clinic in Dallas called today and
Lincoln does not have VLCAD!
Praise Jesus!
We cling once again to Thessalonians 5:16-18. For we do rejoice always from our good times to our bad, for we have all prayed without ceasing, and now we give thanks in this circumstance, just as we have spent the last year and a half giving thanks for circumstances that were quite different. For if it is God's will we will praise Him!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18I'll post more details on soon, but for now we are praising! Thank you for your prayers, please join us in our rejoicing!
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
Mar 4, 2015
Living and Active
Note: I do want to apologize to everyone or anyone who decided to follow with me on this scripture journey. I have not kept up my end of the bargain. Motherhood has been more busy than I have realized and although that's no excuse to forget scripture memory, it has been my excuse in not completing my posts for this scripture project. I do hope to get back to this project soon. Keep an eye out for the updates!
Sometimes 'they' say to start easy. 'They' say to start with something that's simple, and easy to accomplish so that your success in overcoming the first obstacle motivates you to continue.
'Others,' however, say to start with the reason, the motivation, the 'why' that motivates you. That your motivation will organically 'bloom' when you understand why.
I don't know who is right.
But I guess I'm starting with thought number two and giving you a little help on number one.
If you'd like to join me in a little scripture memory over the next few weeks, I would love that.
If you don't want to join me, well, I'll be doing it anyway and posting as I go along and so well, it'll still be here.
Living and Active
That's what I'm calling it.
And this, is the 'why' that becomes our first verse.
For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of the soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12
I know it's long. The verses will not all be this long. But, yep, some of them will. Do I think the Lord helps to empower us to memorize His word? Yes. Do I think it is without our own discipline? No.
But at a time in my life when discipline in other areas may be impossible, this is possible for me. When I'm up four times a night to feed my kiddo and my phone's in my hand, or when I scroll through instagram with nothing new to see as my sweet baby sleeps in my arms... It's possible for me.
So this is how it will work:
Every week on Monday there will be a new scripture. It is my personal goal to have that scripture memorized by the next Sunday. Each verse will come with a picture background and I will do my best to make the picture coordinate with the verse as to help you memorize it.
How can you join? There are three ways:
1. Instagram
Follow me on instagram at brittanyhess. Yes, you will see the cute pictures of my sweet kiddo too, but that's just an added bonus.
2. Facebook
If you are already my friend on Facebook, you will automatically see the posts from Instagram. Currently I am only 'friends' with people I know, but we now have a Hint of the Hess House Facebook Page that you can 'like' to follow the blog if you are one of our 'blog family'!
3. Right here on the blog.
If the smart phone isn't for you, or you prefer to simply come here to the blog. I'll be posting the verses right here every Monday for the next few weeks with a little bit about the verse or about how the last week if scripture memory went.
And this week you get a head start because the verse goes up today. So you have a week and a half to learn this one!
My prayer is that you would join me in memorizing His living and active word, that the Lord's truths would fill your heart, and that in times of mourning or rejoicing you would find these verses hidden in your heart. To God be the glory.
Sometimes 'they' say to start easy. 'They' say to start with something that's simple, and easy to accomplish so that your success in overcoming the first obstacle motivates you to continue.
'Others,' however, say to start with the reason, the motivation, the 'why' that motivates you. That your motivation will organically 'bloom' when you understand why.
I don't know who is right.
But I guess I'm starting with thought number two and giving you a little help on number one.
If you'd like to join me in a little scripture memory over the next few weeks, I would love that.
If you don't want to join me, well, I'll be doing it anyway and posting as I go along and so well, it'll still be here.
Living and Active
That's what I'm calling it.
And this, is the 'why' that becomes our first verse.
For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of the soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12
I know it's long. The verses will not all be this long. But, yep, some of them will. Do I think the Lord helps to empower us to memorize His word? Yes. Do I think it is without our own discipline? No.
But at a time in my life when discipline in other areas may be impossible, this is possible for me. When I'm up four times a night to feed my kiddo and my phone's in my hand, or when I scroll through instagram with nothing new to see as my sweet baby sleeps in my arms... It's possible for me.
So this is how it will work:
Every week on Monday there will be a new scripture. It is my personal goal to have that scripture memorized by the next Sunday. Each verse will come with a picture background and I will do my best to make the picture coordinate with the verse as to help you memorize it.
How can you join? There are three ways:
1. Instagram
Follow me on instagram at brittanyhess. Yes, you will see the cute pictures of my sweet kiddo too, but that's just an added bonus.
2. Facebook
If you are already my friend on Facebook, you will automatically see the posts from Instagram. Currently I am only 'friends' with people I know, but we now have a Hint of the Hess House Facebook Page that you can 'like' to follow the blog if you are one of our 'blog family'!
3. Right here on the blog.
If the smart phone isn't for you, or you prefer to simply come here to the blog. I'll be posting the verses right here every Monday for the next few weeks with a little bit about the verse or about how the last week if scripture memory went.
And this week you get a head start because the verse goes up today. So you have a week and a half to learn this one!
My prayer is that you would join me in memorizing His living and active word, that the Lord's truths would fill your heart, and that in times of mourning or rejoicing you would find these verses hidden in your heart. To God be the glory.
Living and Active
Mar 2, 2015
If You Want to Join Me
So there are a lot of things I want to do. They span many topics from home repair to watercolor to lawn maintenance to writing and maybe even one day a PhD in nutrition or something. Really it depends on the day. I can run on a whim, I start a lot of things, I have a lot of ideas.
And I've told you I've been working on that: the planning and the dreaming and all. I've been working on finding ways to focus on the things that matter most, and how to not let the things that are simply more 'present' take all my time.
But also my planner has been on backorder and it's crippled me more than a normal person should be crippled by a missing planner.
Yes. I still use a paper planner. I use paper for all kinds of things and as much as I love a computer there are some things my hand just needs to write.
But if I'm being honest, lately I don't always have two hands.
And well, since my 'feed the baby' timer is my cell phone, it is always, always in arms reach. And it only takes one hand to work it. Which is somehow crazy important while holding a sleeping baby.
But now that you think I'm rambling into nothing, let me tell you why.
There is another thing I want to do. Something that I think as a Christian I am called to do.
I want to memorize scripture.
Yes, yes, I know you have the Bible memorized already, but, truth is, I don't.
I know scripture. I know the stories. I know many references and many truths. God's word is, to me, the be all end all of truth. Even the best quotes are often opinions or perceptions, but God's word is true. His word has been my stronghold in the past year and a half. When faced with seemingly impossible circumstances, scripture is always there to remind me of the Lord's truth over my emotional brain's 'conclusions' about the world.
For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of the soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12
And since every week I work with K-2nd graders who memorize a verse each week, I figure it's time I joined the game.
So I'm working on a little something to help me with that. Planner-less, phone in hand - me.
And you, if you have a cell phone, and you are looking to memorize more scripture, maybe you too will join me. One verse a week, in hopefully a very easy convenient way to remember it and have it with you always.
I'm pretty pumped about it.
And if you want to join me, I'm willing to tell you all about it...
... on Wednesday.
And I've told you I've been working on that: the planning and the dreaming and all. I've been working on finding ways to focus on the things that matter most, and how to not let the things that are simply more 'present' take all my time.
But also my planner has been on backorder and it's crippled me more than a normal person should be crippled by a missing planner.
Yes. I still use a paper planner. I use paper for all kinds of things and as much as I love a computer there are some things my hand just needs to write.
But if I'm being honest, lately I don't always have two hands.
And well, since my 'feed the baby' timer is my cell phone, it is always, always in arms reach. And it only takes one hand to work it. Which is somehow crazy important while holding a sleeping baby.
But now that you think I'm rambling into nothing, let me tell you why.
There is another thing I want to do. Something that I think as a Christian I am called to do.
I want to memorize scripture.
Yes, yes, I know you have the Bible memorized already, but, truth is, I don't.
I know scripture. I know the stories. I know many references and many truths. God's word is, to me, the be all end all of truth. Even the best quotes are often opinions or perceptions, but God's word is true. His word has been my stronghold in the past year and a half. When faced with seemingly impossible circumstances, scripture is always there to remind me of the Lord's truth over my emotional brain's 'conclusions' about the world.
For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of the soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12
And since every week I work with K-2nd graders who memorize a verse each week, I figure it's time I joined the game.
So I'm working on a little something to help me with that. Planner-less, phone in hand - me.
And you, if you have a cell phone, and you are looking to memorize more scripture, maybe you too will join me. One verse a week, in hopefully a very easy convenient way to remember it and have it with you always.
I'm pretty pumped about it.
And if you want to join me, I'm willing to tell you all about it...
... on Wednesday.
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