Oct 9, 2014

In this Storm: Cherish Montgomery

Cherish Montgomery has a beautiful story. Nope, I've never met her, but I opened her email message and read it to the end. I know what it feels like to expect that your baby will come home and to return to that same home with empty arms.

It is clear in her words here how much she loves the Lord. She shares more of her story and her life after Bella on her own blog and her words continue to radiate her love for Him. It is my prayer that you read her story today and know how the Lord is still so very good in times when the world sees only heartbreak.

Brief history...my name is Cherish Montgomery. I have a wonderful husband of ten years named Timmy. We married in June of 2004 and quickly experienced one miscarriage at seven weeks and another to follow at twelve weeks. About a year or so later we suffered the loss of our precious cousin only three months old to SIDS. Shortly after we gave birth to our son Gauge. He is the light of our life! He will be eight this year!

This past April we gave birth to our perfect stillborn daughter Bella Glen. Were in prayers now for our rainbow baby! God is good all the time!! Here is our story.

This is our story Praising our Savior all the day long.

May 1, 2014.

The day we prepared to celebrate life for our Sweet Bella here on earth. It never once crossed our minds that we could lose our precious 36-week old baby girl we had dreamed of. As we headed to the hospital with the thoughts that my water had broken, we just knew she would be tiny... but so beautiful. My only request to God was black hair just like her daddy.

Gauge was ready with his pink shirt to match. Her room was more beautiful than I could have ever imagined... coral flamingos. We just knew she would be what completed our family. We couldn't wait to see her sleeping in all her precious new gowns. For nine months we had planned birthdays in our minds. We even had an Easter dress in case she was a little early. I had enough clothes to clothe a small army.

She was ours... We THOUGHT. How could she not be?

To remember that night gives me chills all over deep inside, a terror one cannot describe. On Tuesday, April 8, 2014, after a day of work and Bible study, Our Mighty God chose Bella to come home with Him, the ultimate Maker, and be among the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven! As hard as it is to process, we know without doubt she is in His hands, being loved with a love no earthly parent can offer.

As for our family we have also learned to love in a much deeper way. God has revealed so many things to us all for his Glory! I have moments of rage, pure terror, sorrow, and guilt. Not guilt that I could have changed anything, but a guilt of not loving enough, being selfish, and not completely giving my all to Christ when He trusted me to care for HIS child not mine. All these feelings pass most times within and hour, and above all I have an indescribable peace that only My Savior can give.

Do not let satan steal your peace. I have learned how he works, and he loves weak, hurting Christians. If you do not know Jesus as your personal friend and Savior, I ask that you to give him your All.. Absolute All.. Give all your pain and hurts to him now, and I Promise you He will give you that peace worth living for! Without His peace and assurance, we, my friends, would have no hope. It doesn't matter what you have done, He will forgive you. Just ask. Pray to our Mighty God now... If you wait, it could be too late. We, my friends, are not guaranteed anything, especially life on earth. We have learned first hand.

So take His hand.

Bella Glen Montgomery with not a single breath on earth is ministering already. What a Blessing.
I will praise you in this Storm...

- Cherish Montgomery

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